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Hi! Stock Lobang, Thanks for the two books sent to me and for your guidance of openning them. I spent a whole day to complete reading from cover to cover of the book - Trade Like Jesse Livermore.I learned something from Jesse Livermore said to be the greatest trader in the world. 原标题:美股早知道:拼多多暴涨逾14%,美股市场周一休市 来源:Investing.com中文站. 英为财情 - 道指周五微幅收低,但一周录得强劲上涨 Apple Inc. Common Stock (AAPL) After-Hours Stock Quotes - Nasdaq offers after-hours quotes and extended trading activity data for US and global markets. 有的时候我在想一个问题,如果这个世界上没有证券市场我会去做什么?我猜可能会去做一个职业赌徒。其实从很大程度上作证券投资和去赌场赌博是没有什么大的区别的,只不过后者拥有的历史要长的多罢了。也许有人会和我Argue, 说做股票需要对经济,对行业,对公司有所研究,所以不能算作赌博。 Trending Articles When Performance Matters: Nasdaq-100 vs. S&P 500 Apr 24, 2020 How, And Why, To Invest In The Nasdaq-100 Index Mar 20, 2020 BUZZ-U.S. STOCKS ON THE MOVE-Genius Brands, Royal, Inc. Common Stock (AMZN) Stock Quotes - Nasdaq offers stock quotes & market activity data for US and global markets. 我昨天阅读的一篇文章 "为什么股票投资是世界上最难成功的行业? " 作者是A股市场投资者 (0/ ) 2018-11-14 15:34:27

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U.S. stock index futures gave up early-session gains late Sunday amid rising tensions between the U.S. and China. As of 9:45 p.m. Eastern, Dow Jones Industrial Average futures , which had been up more than 100 points, were up just 14 points, or 0.1%, while S&P 500 futures and Nasdaq-100 futures tracked similarly.

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